Starting or Buying a Business?
Depending on the type of business you will be establishing, you will likely have to determine what licenses and registrations you are likely to need. And then go get them!
A simple liquor store? ABC License, city business license, security alarm permit, fire permit, seller’s permit, tobacco retailers’s license, money services business FinCEN, etc. etc.
Corporate Setup & Compliance
We can assist you in determining your most advantageous business structure, and then help you get it going. Is a Corporate structure right for you and your business? If so, should you choose to elect S-Corp status with the IRS? Or is a Limited Liability Company (LLC) a better fit?
We establish the entity(ies) with the appropriate Secretary of State(s), manage your filings the first year, obtain your federal Employer Identification Number (EIN), prepare Bylaws or Operating Agreements, setup payroll accounts, etc. all for a very affordable fee substantially lower than you’d pay an attorney for the same and likely less work.
We offer an annual meeting service whereby we help manage required Annual Meetings of Shareholders, review corporate compliance issues, document corporate minutes and assist with the other corporate formalities.